A trip once before made me realise that life comes down to all the tiny things...
Life has given me some good rumbles and tumbles, it's taught me to love, to love all of the teeny tiny things.
When the sun kisses my skin on a cold winter's day, the cool of the saltwater washing over my body as I dive into the sea on a hot summer's day, the colours in the morning sky during seasons change.
These are the things that strip away all the years of what has shaped my world and turn it back into the simplicity of being a wide-eyed child discovering new things for the first time...
I'm now filled with a love for life that makes me appreciate every morning I wake up, and a feeling of gratitude each evening as I shut my eyes.
I realise that true friends are like precious gemstones, and true love is as rare as holding a single snowflake in your hand for more than a minute. Being able to travel the world and have family in all corners is something I never consciously thought was possible, but here I stand in my life not knowing how, when, or why I created this world I live in. But somewhere along my life's journey this is what I made happen.
And it's here and now that I feel completely and wholeheartedly in love with what I have created and in turn the sun in my sky shines nothing but true love on myself and the ones blessed to be in it...
To you my friends and family (yoga family totally included) thanks to you, for opening my heart to this eternal love that I have for you, for me, and for this crazy world...
"The only journey is the journey within"
~ Rainer Maria Rilke~
Final words from Tara
Enjoy the tiny moments and appreciate our internal and external world with my Yin Series - The 5 Elements. This series of 5 Yin classes, designed and guided by myself to find moments of stillness and connection from within.